Paris Jackson, the eldest daughter of Michael Jackson, frequently appears in the media. This time, she’s in the headlines because, despite her claims to the contrary, she says she identifies as a black woman, she’s been called white by many.

Her fair skin is one of her most well-known features, although her father had a similar circumstance. In his older years, his skin tone lightened, but in his early years, it was darker.
Michael Jackson may have suffered vitiligo, which could have contributed to his skin pigmentation change. Although it was never verified, this may contribute to a person’s skin becoming lighter as they age.
Paris Jackson stated in a 2017 interview with Rolling Stone that “[Michael] would look me in the eyes and he’d point his finger at me and say, ‘You’re Black.’” Take pride in your heritage. And I would think to myself, “Well, he’s my dad; why would he lie to me?” I just take his word for it. Because he has never lied to me, as far as I know.
She adds that it stresses her out a lot because so many people think she looks like she’s from Finland. Although she shares a lot of similarities with other mixed-race children, not all of them are subjected to the same kind of mockery.
Wendy Williams continued to criticize her even though she identifies as a black woman. “You know, black is not what you call yourself; it’s what the cops see you when they put steel around your neck on the turnpike,” the woman remarked, “I get that she considers herself Black and everything.”
They view it that way. But that’s adorable and beneficial to her.